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- Politique de confidentialité | Arts Solidaires
Privacy Policy Privacy Policy. Data protection is an important part of a website. This pattern contains sample text and may not be published. The content of your privacy policy depends on the features you use on your site. It is important to personalize your text. Your privacy policy should list any external components you use on your site. The link to your privacy policy must appear on all pages of your site. Sample content: Information You Collect. How you collect the information. Why you collect the information. With whom do you share the information. Where is the information stored. How long the information is kept. How you protect information. Changes or Updates to the Privacy Policy. Click here for more detailed information on how to formulate your privacy policy.
- Payments | Arts Solidaires
payment methods payment by check or bank transfer By cheque (only for french citizen): Checks should be made out to the name of ARTS SOLIDAIRES ASSOCIATION and send to: Association ARTS SOLIDAIRES 4 ruelle du Presbytère 35190 St Pern By transfer contact us to obtain the bank details of the association Email
- Les stages | Arts Solidaires
workshops in 2025 planning a little more patience, we're fine-tuning our courses; see you soon! Our programs allow for a complete 4 days immersion within a group of 9 people sharing the same passion. It is meant to take you out of your normal routine and share a privileged moment: No registration without accommodation! Each stay begins on a Sunday around a welcome drink: an opportunity for the artist and the other participants to introduce themselves. You will also discover the schedule planned by the artist and the organization of the stay. The course will start the next day on Monday and end on Thursday at the end of the day, after 6 p.m. The artist will specify a list of materials to bring with you. If necessary, you will find on site some basic supplies that you will be able to buy such as colours, brushes, papers and frames...
- l'association ARTS SOLIDAIRES | Arts Solidaires
arts solidaires association loi 1901 The association ARTS solidaires has the ambition to make the arts united; Each of our actions has an impact, more or less visible, on the others... By choosing to participate in a course organized by ARTS solidaires you finance a leisure activity for a person with a mental disability. Today in France of the tens Thousands of young adults with mental disabilities are forced to live in medical centers; However, these centres do not have sufficient budgets to offer daily activities recreational, sporting or cultural activities for residents. The healthcare teams lack resources and despite all their goodwill and professionalism , there are not enough staff to supervise outings and not enough money to organize trips to the snow, to the sea or simply to go to the cinema. However, these residents are sometimes young; when you're 25, you want to move, want to go to the swimming pool, want to go dancing in an adapted club, want to participate in a festival... but without human and financial means, it's not not possible...or so rarely. Boredom is their daily life! ARTS SOLIDAIRES is a young association law 1901 with the aim non-profit. Created by Sophie and Patrick it have like purpose to finance these little moments of joy, so banal for us, so exceptional for them... For this, it organizes artistic escapes and some immersive workshops, with quality artists in a warm atmosphere and in places carefully chosen for their authenticity, their comfort and their location allowing a wide choice of activities. It rev erses then the profits to finance the leisure activities of adults with mental disabilities living in institutions. Your art becomes solidarity ! Take part in this project Would you like to organize internships with us? contact us First name Surname E-mail Message Send Thank you for what you sent !
- Copie de Planning | Arts Solidaires
Vacation workshops 2024 In 2024, we're delighted to be able to offer you a range of internationally renowned artists: for you, they'll be coming from France, Germany, Italy, Israel and Ghana... and yes, the world is coming to Brittany, to our great delight! Don't delay in booking, there are only 8 places per workshop.. . Mai 2024 Emmanuelle GERMANEAU May 5-9, 2024 information request Emmanuelle GERMANEAU May 12-16, 2024 information request Jonathan Kwegyir Aggrey May 19 to 23, 2024 information request Juin 2024 Bernaba SALVADOR June 9 -13, 2 024 information request Anne KIEL J une 23 - 27, 2024 information request Juillet 2024 Sophia RODIANOV July 7 - 11, 2024) information request Isabelle ISAVERDENS July 14 - 18, 2024 information request Isabelle ISSAVERDENS 21 - July 25, 2024 information request
- Page membre | Arts Solidaires
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- Testimonials | Arts Solidaires
Testimonials they loved the workshop and say so in pictures!
- The place | Arts Solidaires
TY GOANAG Nestled in the heart of the village of St Pern, in Ille et Vilaine, TY GOANAG was originally, in the 17th century, a priory, which brought together a few monks; In 1872, an extension was built to create the village presbytery. In the ownership of the municipality the property fell into disrepair and ruin. It was in 2012 that Sophie and Patrice fell in love with this property; they bought it with the objective of restoring it to its original beauty. Passionate about history, architecture and decoration, Patrice renovated this old building with his own hands and more than ten years of work were needed to restore it to its former glory. Stone after stone, Patrice has managed to preserve the authenticity of the place, while providing the modern comfort that is essential today. Sophie and Patrice will be on hand to answer all your requests and make your stay a moment of pure happiness.
- Barnaba SALVADOR | Arts Solidaires
Bernaba SALVADOR By the age of 8, Barnaba was already a nomad between Tamanrasset and Djanet, in the Algerian Sahara. He learned about desert life, the names of the sites, the mountains, the plants, the tracks in the sand... Then he left for Mali and, little by little, Africa entered his gut. His long history of travels takes him to the most unusual places on the continent, watching humanity move about the African markets with whom he shares the colorful disorder. A long travel history in which he alternates work as a graphic designer with that of tour leader, combining his two great passions in travel journals. Watercolor is the technique that characterizes his work, which he rarely abandons to make way for ink or cartoon-style drawings. During the year, Barnaba organizes and runs courses and workshops between Italy and France, as well as online.
- Mentions légales | Arts Solidaires
Legal Notice Imprint. An impressum is legally required in some regions. This template only contains general information and sample wordings, and is not ready for publication. The information contained in the impressum varies according to your company or your type of website. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and create your impressum. [Company Name] Company name or company name. Address of the company's registered office. Names of company officers. Company phone number, fax number and email address. Registration number in the Trade and Companies Register or other authority applicable to the activity. Tax identification number. Legal form of the company. Amount of Share Capital. If your website offers services in the context of an activity that requires the approval of a public authority, the contact details of the supervisory authority must be provided. Name, denomination or company name and address and telephone number of the host of its site. Notices relating to the use of personal data. Notices relating to the use of cookies. The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform. This platform is available athttp://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ . As a customer, you always have the option of contacting the arbitration board of the European Commission. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. E-mail : Such : Fax: Address :
- Ann KIEL | Arts Solidaires
Anne KIEL Stage du 23 au 27 juin 2024 Hey! I'm Anne and I'd like to accompany you on your journey into watercolor painting. In this workshop, I give you in-depth insights into the painting techniques. My paintings are characterized by a relaxed, loose style, which I would like to pass on to you. Let me take you into the world of watercolors and let us be enchanted by the beauty of this medium together.
- Jonathan KWEGYIR AGGREY | Arts Solidaires
Jonathan KWEGYIR AGGREY Jonathan KWEGYIR AGGREY is an internationally recognized Ghanaian artist. Jonathan has had the privilege of participating in group and individual exhibitions in several countries, including Ghana, Turkey, Romania, China, Thailand, Colombia, Nigeria, Italy, France, Norway, Korea and in Russia. He has also been featured in several major international catalogs and publications around the world. His collectors include the Qingdao Art Museum, China, and many art collectors around the world. He won the “Young Icon” award in the Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah African Genius Awards, 2014. He also won the "Golden Brush" award in Gaziantep, Turkey in 2017, as well as other awards. "For me, painting is the best medium for expressing my deepest feeling about how and what I think and feel about portraying the beauties of nature. My work demonstrates my in-depth understanding of painting, largely in watercolor. Watercolor is the best medium for expressing my deepest feeling about how and what I think and feel about portraying the beauties of nature. My themes vary depending on how challenging and inspiring the subject appeals to my creativity. I love to paint subjects that attract me and finding a subject is not difficult - the subject seems to find me. Observing, walking, sketching, taking photos- -all these offer creative opportunities. I vary my application of the medium depending on the subject at hand. This could either be loose washes or very fuzzy with a lot of details or a combination of lost and found edges as in soft and hard edges. I allow my creativity to flow throughout the working process without restricting myself to any reference materials either from life, a photo or my imagination. I always try to establish a connection between my works and my viewers to enable them to tell their own stories from my works. I love to paint people and places to show my varied audience the other side of the world I live in." .............AWARDS/HONORS/ PRIZES:............ • First African watercolorist to Receive the Saint Yrieix Town Prize Cash Award at the 18ème Salon international de l'Aquarelle du 22 juillet au 20 août 2023 France • First African watercolorist to Win the 1st LUGAR Prize at 2o FESTIVAL DE LA ACUARELA DE SANTO DOMINGO, CHILE, 2023 •First African watercolorist to receive the 1st Cash Prize Winner at the 15e Festival International Confluences, Aiguillion, France 2022 •First African Watercolourist to receive the 1st Award Cash Prize Winner of Prix des Peintres du Moulin (Painters of the Mill Award) at the Troisieme Biennale Internationale d’ Aquarelle de Coquelles BIAC, France 2022 • 2nd Placed Winner in the Holbein Watercolor Competition, Turkey 2020 •Honourable Mentioned Award at the 1st International Watercolor Biennale 2018. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • The 2nd International Watercolor Biennale Appreciation Award, Pakistan, 2018 • Golden Brush Contest Winner during the 6th International “Love, Tolerance and Peace Through Art”, Gaziantep, Turkey 2017 • Was award a member of the jury committee of International Watercolor Society (IWS) contest held in Seferihisar Municipality, Izmir, Turkey 2016 • National Award Winner of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah African Genius Awards (Young Icons Category) Accra, Ghana 2014 • Among eight selected winners mentioned in the International Triennial Watercolor Exhibition. Peru, Colombia. 2014 • 1st Place Winner; Istanbul Watercolor Society/Istanbul Suluboya Toplulugu, Turkey (The Best Watercolor Painting of Month of May Contest. 2013) • Second Diploma Awarded by The St. Petersburg Watercolor Society, Russia, 2013 • Romania Portrait and Caricature Personalities Award. 2011